Christmas Ugly Sweaters
Christian Christmas
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does shipping cost?

The shipping cost depends on your location. It will appear at checkout.

I’m having issues placing an order.

We’re sorry to hear that you’re unable to place an order. Please contact us and we will work on resolving the issue as quickly as possible.

Can I make any changes to my design after place an order?

If you change your mind about your purchase, please contact us, provide your order number and the modification you would like to make. We’ll confirm once the modification has been made.

Please note that your order is only eligible to be modified within 02 hours of placing the order. After that time, the order is locked for processing and can no longer be modified.

How can I find my order number?

Your order number can be found at the top of your confirmation email. Please check your inbox, including your spam folder, for your confirmation email.

When can I expect to receive my order?

Orders typically arrive after 5-20 business days. Different types of products will lead to the variety in shipping and production time. To see the estimated shipping time for your order, please visit our shipping policy.

See what people are saying!

Oct 19
I bought this as an anonymous gift to my church to hang in the social hall. It looks great. Everyone likes it! Just the right size.
Sep 23
Makes me cry it’s so beautiful. 🩷
Sep 3
Beautiful. Very good quality. I would definitely buy from this company again.
Aug 20
Wow. This painting is incredible! It adds such a unique taste to our family room. We are indeed excited to have this artwork. Loveeeee it! .